Face Rejuvenating & Brightning

Enhance your beauty with what you have…..


Face Rejuvenating & Brightning

This is lightening your skin from the inside, with the active ingredients injected into your bloodstream via an IV drip. Vitamins, minerals and antioxidants fed directly into the bloodstream are absorbed much more effective than taken orally via gastrointestinal absorption.

The Glutathione (GSH) + Vitamin C intravenous therapy is the best skin lightening or brightening treatment for darker skin. However, many women that have flawless skin use skinwhitening injections on a regular basis to help maintain their excellent complexion.

Exposure to outdoor elements, primarily ultraviolet (UV) irradiation and oxidative stress is the main cause for ageing. These types of skin shows a variety of age-associated clinical changes, including deep wrinkles, Dry Skin, Sunburn, dark Circles, and hyperpigmentation.

a Much Benefits of Face Rejuvenating & Brightning

Skin rejuvenation is a cosmetic procedure that helps to erase or remove the irregularities on the skin of the face or the body. Whether it’s textural irregularities like acne scars and wrinkles or changes in the skin pigmentation like freckles or simply sun spots, skin rejuvenation technique ensures excellent results.



Treats hypertrophic lips.


Move Bacterial


More Glowing Face


More Health Face

The blood draw

Your provider will draw blood from the arm. Your blood is put into a centrifuge that spins the blood to separate the platelet-rich plasma from the red blood cells.

Centrifuge isolation of PRP

The centrifuge separates the fluids in the blood and takes around 10 to 20 minutes. The goal is to isolate the PRP from the red and white blood cells, which is a yellowish or straw-like color.

PRP scalp injections

The isolated PRP is injected into precise areas of the scalp to stimulate hair growth.

Get smoother Hair

Your hair will be shining and smooth afrer treatment. That will look natural and perfect.

Lets Get Appointment Of Our Treatments

Don’t wait too long; make an appointment before it’s too late…